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We understand that the universe is a canvas for celebration, be it a birthday, anniversary, or any other special milestone. What better way to commemorate these moments than under the vast, starlit sky? We specialize in creating personalized astronomical experiences, making your special occasions unforgettable.

Telescopes make any event better

Celestial Celebrations Tailored for You

Birthdays Under the Stars

Imagine celebrating a birthday by gazing at a star that's as many light-years away as the years you've celebrated. Our birthday tours are designed to add cosmic wonder to your special day. We find celestial objects that resonate with your age or the year you were born, bringing the universe a bit closer to you.

Romantic Stargazing for Anniversaries

For couples celebrating anniversaries, our tours become journeys of celestial romance. We share enchanting stories of the stars, such as the tale of Mizar and Alcor, symbolizing enduring love. It's an experience that goes beyond mere observation – it's about connecting with your loved one under the timeless beauty of the night sky.

Customized Tours for Every Occasion

Whether it's a family reunion, a marriage proposal, or a graduation, the sky's the limit when it comes to customizing your tour. Our team works with you to understand your occasion and tailor the experience to reflect its significance. From highlighting constellations of particular importance to you to aligning the theme of our talks with your celebration, we ensure each tour is as unique as the stars above.

Our Stellar Offerings

Hands-On Telescope Experience

Peer through our large telescopes and witness the wonders of the night sky. Our knowledgeable guides will assist you in exploring galaxies, nebulae, planets, and stars, making each viewing a learning experience filled with awe.

Engaging Astronomical Talks

Our guides are not just experts in astronomy; they're storytellers who weave fascinating facts with folklore and narratives of the cosmos. These talks are tailored to resonate with the theme of your special occasion, adding depth and wonder to your celebration.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

We're committed to eco-friendly practices. Our Leave No Trace policy ensures we celebrate without impacting the natural environment. We provide red lights to preserve night vision and minimize light pollution, ensuring a true stargazing experience.

Book Your Special Occasion with

Every special moment deserves a celebration that's out of this world. At, we're dedicated to making your special occasions a cosmic journey of discovery, wonder, and connection.

Join us for an astronomy experience that goes beyond mere observation – it's a celebration of life's milestones under the grandeur of the cosmos. Visit to plan your unique astronomical celebration. 🌌✨🔭

Celebrate your special moments with us, where the universe becomes part of your story.

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In a world increasingly impacted by human activity, preserving the natural beauty of our environment is more crucial than ever. At, we're not just passionate about the stars; we're deeply committed to protecting the Earth beneath them. Our eco-friendly stargazing experiences are designed with a fundamental principle in mind: Leave No Trace. Here’s how we ensure that our love for astronomy goes hand in hand with environmental stewardship.

Eco-Friendly Stargazing

Embracing the Leave No Trace Philosophy

Respect for Nature

Each of our stargazing sessions is conducted with the utmost respect for the natural environment. We choose locations that minimize our impact on the surrounding area and ensure that we leave these spaces exactly as we found them - or even better.

Sustainable Practices

We believe in sustainable tourism. This means our operations are designed to have a minimal environmental footprint. From the transportation we use to get to our viewing sites to the way we manage our tours, every decision is made with sustainability in mind.

Mindful of Our Environmental Impact

red. lights let you see around with minimizing light pollution

Minimizing Light and Noise Pollution

Our stargazing events are a celebration of the night sky, and we take care to minimize light and noise pollution. This not only enhances the viewing experience for our guests but also helps to maintain the natural nocturnal environment for local wildlife.

Waste Management: Composting and Recycling

We understand the importance of responsible waste management. At all our events, we provide composting and recycling facilities. We encourage our guests to minimize waste and make use of these facilities, ensuring that nothing we bring to our stargazing locations is left behind.

Education and Awareness

Educating Our Guests

A core part of our Eco-Friendly Stargazing mission is to educate our guests about the importance of eco-friendly practices. We share insights into how light pollution affects both astronomy and the environment and offer tips on how everyone can contribute to preserving dark skies and natural landscapes.

Advocacy for Dark Skies

Our commitment extends beyond our tours. We advocate for dark sky preservation through community engagement and education. By raising awareness about the importance of reducing light pollution, we aim to foster a community that values and protects our night skies.

Join Us for a Sustainable Stargazing Experience

At, we invite you to experience the magic of the cosmos in a way that honors and preserves the natural world. Our commitment to Leave No Trace is integral to our mission, ensuring that our exploration of the stars does not come at the cost of our planet's wellbeing.

Book a tour with us and be part of an astronomical experience that's not only breathtaking but also environmentally conscious. Together, we can marvel at the wonders of the universe while safeguarding the beauty of our Earth.

Discover the night sky with us, where every star shines brighter in a cared-for world. Visit to embark on an eco-friendly journey to the stars. 🌌🌍✨

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We believe that the beauty of the night sky should be accessible to everyone. However, one of the biggest challenges to this vision is light pollution. It's not just an astronomer's concern; it affects ecosystems, human health, and our connection to the natural world. In our commitment to eco-friendly stargazing, we actively combat light pollution and encourage others to join us in this vital cause.

how to lower light pollution while still having light

Red Lights for Night Vision

During our tours, every participant is equipped with red lights. Unlike white lights, red lights minimize the impact on night vision, allowing our eyes to remain adapted to the dark. This small yet significant measure ensures that our stargazers can enjoy the splendor of the night sky without contributing to light pollution.

light pollution across america

Activism in Action: Preserving Dark Skies

Our commitment goes beyond our tours. We actively participate in initiatives to preserve dark skies. A notable example was our involvement in a letter-writing campaign to prevent light pollution in Utah's national parks. Our concerted efforts helped maintain the pristine darkness of these natural wonders, crucial for both astronomical observation and the health of local wildlife.

Local Engagement: Making Boulder Dark Sky-Friendly

In Boulder, Colorado, our home base, we're taking concrete steps to reduce light pollution. We guide residents on how to report outdoor lighting violations and encourage the use of shielded, downward-facing light fixtures. You can anonymously report outdoor lighting violations in Boulder's zoning violations hub here: under the “Code Enforcements” menu and "Zoning Code Violations" topic and let the city know if you would like to report an outdoor lighting complaint. It’s not like your neighbor will have their door kicked in by the light police but they might get a strongly worded letter from the city and possibly a fine if they don’t reduce their light pollution. To incentivize this, we offer discounts on our tours for those who upgrade their outdoor lighting to more night-sky-friendly options. we’re offering to split the cost of any lighting upgrades you and your neighbors do. If you upgrade any lighting fixtures send me a picture of the light (before and after photos that I can feature on social media are preferred but if you don’t want me to share your pictures just let me know), and a photo of the receipt. I will send a discount of half the price of the lighting fixture up to 42$ (full price of a tour!)

Light Pollution: A Global Concern

Light pollution is more than just a barrier to stargazing. It disrupts wildlife, wastes energy, and has been linked to adverse health effects in humans. To combat this, we advocate for simple yet effective solutions: using motion-sensor lights, opting for LEDs with a warm amber hue, and ensuring lights are on only when needed.

Practical Steps Everyone Can Take

  1. Shield Your Outdoor Lights: Ensure all outdoor lighting is directed downwards and adequately shielded.

  2. Motion Sensors and Timers: Use motion sensors and timers to keep lights off when they’re not needed.

  3. Community Action: Work with your neighbors to create a dark-sky-friendly community. It’s not just about reducing light; it’s about using it wisely.

Our Educational Efforts

Education is a powerful tool. Through our tours and community events, we educate the public about the impact of light pollution. By explaining the science behind it and demonstrating how everyone can make a difference, we're building a community of informed, environmentally conscious stargazers.

Join Us Under the Stars

Our fight against light pollution is ongoing, but every small step brings us closer to a sky full of stars for everyone to enjoy. By joining an tour, not only will you experience the beauty of the night sky, but you'll also be part of a larger movement to protect our natural nightscapes.

Book a tour with us at and be a part of this celestial journey. Together, we can rediscover the night sky in its full glory, one star at a time. 🌌🔭✨

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