Bring an out of this world experience to your event or book a Private Tour
At a glance:
Built to suit your event.
With our mobile telescopes/equipment we can bring the cosmos to your location or we can host your event at our location.
Wide range of group sizes (from 1 to 2,500+)
Contact us at Luke@AstroTours.org, or call/text (303) 324-5831 to learn more. If you are able to; Include date (or date range) of the event, amount of participants, and location (or if you want to use our location).
Private Events
Looking for a unique experience for your next private event? Contact us at Luke@AstroTours.org or, (303) 324-5831 and we'll start working with you to find how AstroTours can bring your event out of this world!
At a glance:
Services are built to suit, all Private events are unique therefore the service is built to fit the event.
We can bring the cosmos to your event location with our mobile telescopes and equipment or we can host your event at our location (or a partner's location).
Can handle a wide range of group sizes from 1 to 2,500+
Contact us at Luke@AstroTours.org, or call/text (303) 324-5831 to learn more. If you are able to; Include date (or date range) of the event, amount of participants, and location (or if you want to use our location).
Our services are tailored to fit your event, whether it's a company picnic, wedding, birthday party, engagement, youth group, camp out, or whatever your event might be. We can host your event at our location or bring the party to you our mobile equipment includes many large telescopes, step stools, tables, and chairs. Plus, our informative astronomer guides will set up and explain what your guests are seeing in the telescopes. Contact us at Luke@AstroTours.org, (303) 324-5831, to inquire about making your private event a truly unforgettable experience.
We have partnerships with event centers around Boulder, Winter Park Resort, Walsenburg, Bailey, telluride and beyond. We can even bring the star-gazing experience to you, wherever you might be. Our services are built to suit, all private events are unique therefore the service is built to fit the event. We are weather-dependent and flexible with contracts and cancellations.
Our telescopes are fully mobile and can be set up wherever your event is! ​
Boulder CO-
We have a location just north of Boulder where we can host up to 30 guests
Can easily travel to your location in and around boulder
We have partnerships with a few of the event centers around boulder we can help set you up with to plan a bigger event
Denver (south)
We have a location south of Denver / North of Castle Rock that can host up to 20 guests
Can set up in and around the Denver area. Lots can be seen even in the city light. ​
The Lodge at Breckenridge's sky deck has beautiful day and night views with the comfort of a full restaurant available just inside.
We have partnerships with other resorts and land in and around Breck​
Winter Park/Fraser/Tabernash CO
we can set up at your location (most AirBnBs in this area will have really dark sky and a good driveway for us to set up in.)
Winter Park Resort has a partnership with us giving us access to their land and facilities
we can set up at many of the trailheads in the area
Devels Thumb Ranch has hosted Astro Tours before​
Walsenburg CO -
we have a partnership with a resort center outside of Walsenburg Colorado that is a certified dark sky area! this is great for moonless deep sky viewing​
Santa Maria (Baily) CO -
We have a partnership with the YMCA to provide programs on their summer camp in Santa Maria Colorado. ​
Beyond - all of our telescopes are mobile, we can set up where ever your event happens to be. The furthest we've healed a program from Boulder so far is Hot Springs Arkansas and Dubois Wyoming. We are ready and willing to travel to any clear skies to stargaze with you.
Telluride CO - we are proud to be the first group to turn the San Sophia Observatory into an astronomical Observatory and stargaze from the top of the gondola in Telluride!​
Loveland Pass - One of Our favorite places to stargaze is up Loveland Pass beautiful dark skies just less than an hour from Denver.
Keystone CO - we've done solar observing for a school group in Keystone Colorado
What we supply:
Help planning your event around best viewing and what you would like to see in the sky
Informative guides to set up and explain to guests what they are seeing in the telescopes
Many large telescopes
Lightning that won't interfere with the telescopes
Step stools
We can host small to medium sized groups (~30 people max) at our location. However if we're setting up at your location (in Colorado and beyond) we can host many more! our current record is over 1,500 guests
We’ll need:
a dark mostly flat area to set up.
access to the space two hours before the program for set up and one hour after for take down
Parking near the the space to load/unload
Table/chairs would be nice, we can bring some but if there’s some already set up or in use there that’s easier
And if the venue is more than ~1.5 hours away from Boulder place to stay or an added expense for a hotel in the area would be really nice to avoid driving fatigued after the program.
We have four main shows we can do one of these, a mix of them, or something different to suit your program:
A “side” of astronomy where guests come and go as they please and we show different things in the telescopes to be seen.
A program where astronomy is the main event more like our usual tour in Boulder where we have a 30min astronomy talk then 1.5 hrs of telescope time.
Daytime/indoor, we can do solar astronomy or bring our astronomy activities and experiments that can be done any time of day inside or out.
More driven by questions and answer time and then just show the main highlights in the telescope. (this is what I do with the girl scouts/youth groups more because they have less of an attention span)
Also be aware this is a weather dependent activity we are very flexible with our contracts and cancellations due to weather.