Why do astronauts dump their partners on earth?.... They don't want to risk breaking-up in orbit! Have you ever looked up at the night sky and marveled at the vastness and beauty of space? Have you ever imagined traveling to other planets or galaxies and exploring the mysteries of the universe? If so, you are not alone. Humans have been fascinated by space for centuries, and have sent thousands of spacecraft and satellites into orbit around Earth to study, communicate, and navigate.

However, our space activities have also created a growing problem that threatens the safety and sustainability of space operations: space debris. Space debris, also known as space junk or orbital debris, refers to any human-made object that orbits Earth but no longer serves a useful purpose. This can include defunct satellites, rocket stages, fragments from explosions or collisions, and even paint flecks or screws.
The Kessler Syndrome, named after the American astrophysicist Donald J. Kessler who first proposed it in 1978, is a hypothetical scenario in which the density of space debris in certain orbits becomes so high that collisions between objects create more debris, which in turn increases the collision risk and creates a chain reaction that could render the affected orbits unusable for decades or centuries. Kessler Syndrome is often compared to a cascading effect or a snowball effect, in which a small disturbance triggers a large and irreversible change.
Kessler Syndrome is not a mere science fiction plot or a distant possibility. It is a real and growing concern for space agencies, satellite operators, and astronomers. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), there are currently over 34,000 pieces of space debris larger than 10 cm in orbit around Earth, and millions of smaller fragments that are harder to track but can still cause damage to spacecraft or satellites. Some of this debris are traveling at speeds of up to 28,000 km/h, which makes them a serious threat to any object in their path.

Space Debris in Low Earth Orbit
Kessler Syndrome could have several consequences for space activities and for our daily lives. If a critical orbit, such as the low Earth orbit (LEO) where most satellites and the International Space Station (ISS) reside, became too cluttered with debris, it could become impossible to launch new satellites or maintain the existing ones. This could disrupt global communication, navigation, weather forecasting, disaster monitoring, and other vital services that rely on satellites. It could also increase the risk of collisions with crewed missions or space tourism, endangering human lives and creating more debris. Much like the 2013 film Gravity where Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play American astronauts who are stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their Space Shuttle, and attempt to return to Earth.
Preventing the Kessler Syndrome requires a multi-faceted approach that involves reducing the creation of new space debris, removing existing debris, and mitigating the effects of debris on space operations. Some of the measures that have been proposed or implemented include:
Designing satellites and rockets to be more robust and resistant to collisions or explosions, and to deorbit themselves after their mission is over.
Conducting controlled reentries of larger objects that pose a significant risk to populated areas, such as defunct satellites or rocket stages.
Using lasers, nets, or other techniques to capture and remove debris from orbit, either by dragging them down to burn up in the atmosphere or by sending them to a disposal orbit.
Coordinating space activities and sharing data to avoid collisions and minimize the risk of debris creation.
The Kessler Syndrome is a sobering reminder that our actions on Earth have consequences beyond our planet. It highlights the need for responsible and sustainable space exploration and use, and the importance of international cooperation and coordination to tackle global challenges. As we continue to venture into space and expand our horizons, let us also remember to protect the space environment that we share with other species and future generations.