Aug. 14: Saturn at opposition (closest Earth will be to Saturn, we will be looking at Saturn on all tours for the next few months!)
Aug. 27: New moon
Aug. 27: Best time to see Mercury at sunset (Mercury will be furthest away from the sun)
Sept. 10: Full moon (Harvest Moon)
Sept. 10: Neptune at opposition (closest Earth will be to Neptune)
Sept. 22: Fall Equinox
Sept. 25: New moon
Sep. 26: Jupiter at opposition (closest Earth will be to Jupiter, we will be looking at Jupiter on all tours for the next few months!))
Oct. 7: Draconids Meteor Shower (10 per hr)
Oct. 8: best time to see Mercury before sunrise (Mercury will be furthest away from the sun)
Oct. 9: full moon (hunter's moon)
Oct. 21: Orionids Meteor Shower (20 per hr, a personal favorite fewer meteors than most showers but bigger and brighter meteors)
Oct. 25: new moon
Oct. 25: partial solar eclipse visible in the arctic ocean
Nov. 4: Taurids Meteor Shower (~10 per hr)
Nov. 8: Full Moon (beaver moon)
Nov. 8: Total lunar eclipse visible in the morning sky across most America. (see "lunar eclipse" in the Whats up this Fall! post below)
Nov. 17: Leonids Meteor Shower. (15 per hr)
Nov. 23: New moon
Dec. 8: Full moon (cold moon)
Dec. 8: Mars at opposition (closest Earth will be to Mars, see "Mars" below)
Dec. 13: Geminids Meteor Shower. (120 per hr)
Dec. 21: Winter Solstice
Dec. 21: Best time to see Mercury at sunset (Mercury will be furthest away from the sun)
Dec. 21: Ursids Meteor Shower. (10 per hr)
Dec. 23: New moon
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